An easy and inexpensive way to spruce up your countertops is to use contact paper. Contact paper is becoming more and more popular these days. It’s very hard to stick to and also changes when you get bored of it.
The finish looks amazing and not tacky at all, and plenty of people are using it to decorate their homes. But is contact paper waterproof?
Yes, contact paper is waterproof. This is because it’s made of PVC Vynil. Not only that, but some of the better quality contact paper is also heat resistant. This is why they are so popular for kitchen countertops or even in the bathroom. They take water well and do not get damaged by it.
However, contact paper isn’t a permanent solution. You will eventually need to replace it, but that is also why a lot of people like it.
But if it’s not easily damaged by water, why is this not a more permanent solution? Let’s find out.
Is Contact Paper Waterproof?
Yes, contact paper is waterproof. Contact paper is made of PVC Vynil, which is a synthetic polymer of plastic. This particular polymer has a structure that does not have any OH groups. So it can’t form hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Thus, even if it comes in contact with water, it does not react to it and it does not get damaged.
Contact paper is both waterproof and water-resistant. This means that not only is it able to resist the penetration of water molecules, but it is also completely impermeable to water no matter how much time it spends in contact with water.
Due to the strong structure of its molecules, contact paper is very durable. It is perfect for use in wet conditions.
On one side of the contact, paper is the waterproof, plastic-like side. And on the other hand, there’s a whole layer of adhesive that you can use to stick the paper to flat surfaces.
What usually happens is, even though the material itself is waterproof, the edges usually rise or loosen up over time, and water can get through and ruin the adhesive.
So, water around the edges dissolves the adhesive over time, and it stops sticking properly to the counters. This is why most of the time you’ll need to change your contact paper after a while.
Even if you use your contact paper in a relatively dry place, the adhesive does weaken eventually. But it will usually last longer in a place that’s dry and nothing can damage the glue underneath.
If you’re also careful about sealing the edges properly, that can also prevent the edges from losing their adhesive over time.
On Which Places Can You Use Contact Paper?
While traditionally, contact paper was used to line the bottom of cabinet drawers, nowadays you can pretty much stick it on any flat, smooth surface.
It’s great for DIY projects around the house and can spice up your home without breaking the bank. Whether it be marble, wood, or even steel, as long as the surface is flat and smooth, it should stick just fine.
Can Contact Paper Be Used As Wallpaper?
Yes, you can use contact paper as wallpaper or as a wall decoration. If you want to cover the whole wall, then you are going to need to buy a lot, and it can often just be easier to buy wallpaper. But technically, it works well as wallpaper.
The adhesive on the contact paper is really strong. So as long as you carefully stick it on and ensure that the application is smooth and there aren’t any air bubbles, it should look amazing.
Instead of attempting to cover your entire wall with contact paper, you can use it to carve out designs or use it as a wall sticker to add some color to your boring walls.
Be aware though, since the adhesive is strong, when pulling the contact paper off, it will most likely ruin the paint underneath. But the same goes for wallpaper as well.
If you do decide to take the contact paper off the walls, you can always sand down the wall and paint over it. But if your wall is brand new and you don’t want to ruin it, then stay away from contact paper.
Can You Use Contact Paper In The Shower?
Yes, you can also use contact paper in the shower to cover up tiles. However, since tiles have a lot of grooves, it can be difficult to stick contact paper in a way that doesn’t look odd.
Plus, the steam from your shower might weaken the adhesive and cause it to peel off faster. So I wouldn’t recommend putting contact paper in the shower.
However, the results do differ. Sometimes really good quality contact paper works well in the shower. As long as you can ensure that water and steam don’t get through to the adhesive, it can work well. So you can try it out.
Since it’s so inexpensive, it’s very easy to just peel it off in case you don’t like it. So try it out for yourself and see if it works for you.
Can You Put Contact Paper In A Sink?
Yes! Whether it be the kitchen sink or the bathroom sink, contact paper can be used to line the countertop around the sink. The trick is to be careful about the edges that are in contact with water and soap.
So you can use something like silicone caulk to seal off the edges, and this will make your contact paper last much longer.
Working around the sink can be rather tricky, though, since the edges are curved. Try to stick the contact paper out first and smooth it with a ruler or flat card. Then simply use an NT cutter or a blade to cut out the edges to align perfectly with the sink.
You can also cut a few inches away from the sink, but that might leave a weird border that is noticeable.
The Advantages of Contact Paper
Other than being waterproof, contact paper has many other advantages. If you haven’t used it yet, it’s time to get on board.
Here are a few perks of contact paper.
Perhaps one of the main reasons why contact paper is so popular, especially among young people, is that it is so affordable.
Whether you just want to decorate your dorm room or studio apartment, or you get bored easily, and changing your marble countertops regularly is out of the question, contact paper is the solution to all of that.
It’s very easy to get and you can find a lot of designs and varieties. They also come in an assortment of qualities.
So you can use the higher quality ones for more serious projects and use the other ones for more casual craft projects. And all without breaking the bank!
Easy to change
Contact paper is super easy to use. It’s just like using stickers. Since it’s not a permanent solution, this gives you all the freedom to experiment with different patterns and uses and see what you like.
You never have to get bored of looking at the same marble countertop for years.
Keep changing the designs and colors according to your mood or even try out different themes and aesthetics around the house for a more cohesive look.
If used well, contact paper can last you years and years. Even though it’s not meant to be a permanent solution, you can use it as such. Especially in dry places, the glue is likely to last much longer.
By taking care of it properly, and more importantly, by sticking it properly the first time, you can make it last a very long time.
The glue on the back is extremely strong, so if you can ensure that the edges don’t lift, your contact paper should be fine for ages!
You can use contact paper in many different ways. Not only for the more common things like countertops and lining cabinets, but you can also be as creative as you like and use it as wallpaper, wall stickers, or even on the floor.
Even school teachers use contact paper for kids’ projects. And if you are a fan of DIY decor items around the house, you’ll be able to find many more uses for them. You can also use it to make labels and create those aesthetic, organized spice cabinets.
Another great idea for using contact paper is as a laptop skin. Get cool patterns and designs to personalize your laptop! The options are endless.
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I hope all your confusion about the question: is contact paper waterproof has been cleared up! Contact paper is a great, inexpensive way to renovate around the house, and the best part is that you can keep changing it to try new patterns and designs and never get bored.
It can also protect the surface underneath, while you experiment with different styles.