Is Caffeine Soluble in Water?

Does Caffeine Soluble in Water

To go about our day and have a burst of energy, the modern world depends on quite a lot on caffeine. Caffeine primarily boosts the central nervous system, giving you a burst of energy. So, many people take advantage of this energy-boosting drink to start their day.

Curious minds might wonder, is caffeine soluble in water, or do the tiny caffeine particles just float around in it?

Caffeine is soluble in water but only by a moderate amount. The approximate amount is 2g/100 ml. Temperature plays a key role in its solubility. Duration does as well. Caffeine is highly soluble in boiling water, approximately 67%.

How soluble is caffeine in water, cold water, and hot water, the differences and details might lead to confusion?

So, in this article, I have provided all the relevant information about this topic. I have also included some additional details which I think might be helpful. I would recommend reading the whole thing for a complete understanding of the topic.


How is Caffeine Soluble in Water?

In its purest form, caffeine exists as a white, odorless, crystalline, or powder-like substance. On its own, caffeine has low solubility.

Even so, Caffeine is soluble in water to an extent as water can hydrogenate with caffeine molecules at six separate places.

The water molecule’s hydrogen is attracted to the highly electronegative oxygen and nitrogen atoms present in caffeine. Additionally, polar substances can dissolve together. Both water and caffeine are polar substances.



Measuring the Solubility of Caffeine in Water

Originally, the solubility of caffeine in water was calculated in Germany by a gravimetric method from 298-323K. The data of solubility was then correlated against temperature.

With a mass fraction purity that was greater than 98.5%, caffeine was considered soluble. The water which was used was re-distilled deionized water.

As per the gravimetric method, an excess of a known mass of caffeine was added to a known mass of caffeine. Then, the mixture was heated up in the equilibrium cell to the required temperature, along with continuous stirring.

Before sampling, to maintain the equilibrium, the water, and the undissolved solution were left to settle for exactly 2 days.

For every new measurement, an excess of a known mass of caffeine was included in the known mass of water. Then the procedure was repeated with different measurements and temperatures.

After the solution had settled after the 2 days, the caffeine which was not dissolved (the excess) could be seen in the lower region of the equilibrium cell. The upper portion of the solution was extracted with an appropriate and warm pipette. It was transferred to a weighed vial.

The vial was enclosed tightly and then weighed to figure out its mass. Afterward, it was placed in an oven so that the solvent inside could go through the process of evaporation.

After evaporation, the vial was left to dry for nearly 5 hours. Then it was weighed again to determine the new mass of the remaining solid part.

Hence, the solid concentration of the sample could be determined. All the tests were done six times to check for accuracy and duplication.

As the results were summarized, they showed that there was an increase in the solubility of caffeine in water which was the result of increases in the temperatures throughout the experiments.

If you want another example that might be easier for you to grasp, you can take a look at this video.



Is Caffeine Soluble in Hot Water?

Despite being soluble in room temperature water, caffeine’s solubility increases significantly with temperature as mentioned before.

More temperature means more kinetic energy which will make the particles inside move faster. As a result, the molecules inside hot or boiling water move more rapidly.

This leads to more collisions between caffeine and water molecules.


Is Caffeine Soluble in Cold Water?

It is apparent that due to the low temperatures of cold water, caffeine will not be that much soluble in cold water.

Yet, the feat is not impossible. As time passes, caffeine does dissolve with the cold water. Otherwise, people would not have been so fond of iced coffees and such.

When it comes to colder temperatures, caffeine’s solubility ranges from 0.6g/100 to 1g/100 ml roughly. The temperatures for this solubility vary from 32°F to 59°F.

Caramel Iced Coffee • Pancake Recipes


Can Caffeine Dissolve Completely in Water?

Yes, caffeine can dissolve completely in water if the temperature of the water is high enough.

The process will be even faster if the movement of both the caffeine and water molecules is further enhanced, for example, through rapid stirring. This will break down the molecules into even smaller fragments allowing it all to blend faster.

However, there is a saturation point that works as a limitation, especially if the saturation point is crossed.

By a saturation point, I mean the ideal ratio for a mixture of caffeine and water, which is the proper quantity of both components.


Increasing the Solubility of Caffeine in Water

If you take a look at the chemical structure of caffeine, you can see that it consists of two fused rings, imidazole and pyrimidinedione.

Caffeine - Wikipedia

As a result, the hydrophobic features of the structure are quite prominent. By hydrophobic features, I mean, not mixing with water that well. Hence, caffeine is only moderately soluble in water.

However, when you add a strong dilute acid, for instance, aqueous HCI, the solubility of caffeine in water increases.

Of course, you only have to add a very small amount. This will lead to protonated caffeine as the cation has a positive charge. This is what helps with increasing solubility.

In more basic terms, the aqueous acid will protonate the caffeine molecule. Protonating, in this case, means the addition of a hydrogen cation.

So, an ionic charge is induced which is highly soluble in solutions that are aqueous, not so much in organic solvents. As ionic charge increases overall, so does the solubility of caffeine in water.

If you are looking for additional details, I would suggest you check out this video to better understand the changes.



Decreasing the solubility of caffeine in water

After learning that the solubility of caffeine in water might be increased, you might be wondering if there are ways to reduce this solubility. There is.

In the experiment mentioned in the first section of the article, it was also noted that upon using ethanol as a co-solvent, the solubility of caffeine in water fell.

This might be because there are strong hydrogen bonds present that attract different molecules together. Due to closer packing, the overall volume decreases.


What is Caffeine More Soluble in Compared to Water?

Along with its solubility in water, there are a few more substances in which caffeine is fairly soluble, even more so than water, at times.

The solubility of caffeine increases in the order of ethanol, methanol, water, ethyl acetate, acetone, dichloromethane, and chloroform. Below, I have mentioned a few of these examples in detail.

Ethyl acetate

As ethyl acetate is a polar molecule, it can easily attract the polar molecules of caffeine as caffeine is partially polar too. As a result, the molecules of both the components bind well together.


Caffeine has a solubility of 140mg/ml in dichloromethane which is much more than its solubility of water.

While dichloromethane is not as polar as water yet it is a hydrocarbon. Water repels hydrocarbons. So, you can consider dichloromethane as a polar hydrocarbon.

The large plane of caffeine’s chemical structure consists mostly of hydrocarbons. As a result, caffeine is a polar hydrocarbon as well. So, naturally, one polar hydrocarbon will help another polar hydrocarbon get dissolved.

Methylene Chloride

Caffeine’s solubility is more in methylene chloride than it is in water because both caffeine and methylene chloride are organic substances.

Water is an inorganic substance. In addition, methylene chloride, on its own, is insoluble in water and quite volatile. Hence, caffeine has a higher attraction to it.

While experimenting with tea solutions and extraction of coffee, due to caffeine’s attraction for the organic solvent, that is methylene chloride, the hydrogen bonds between caffeine and water break down more rapidly.

To further maintain the strong attraction between caffeine and methylene chloride, sodium sulfate is also an inclusion at times. Sodium sulfate helps to absorb any excess water that might have been remaining from the tea solution.


Various experiments have shown that caffeine has a higher solubility in chloroform than it does in other solvents. Its solubility in chloroform is twice that of dichloromethane.

Chloroform is an organic solvent like caffeine. This helps with better solubility.


Much like water, acetone is a polar solvent. Acetone also has high solubility on its own. As per the concept of like dissolve like, polar compounds dissolve easily in polar solvents. Hence, caffeine is soluble in acetone.

Caffeine Solubility



I hope this article helps you understand more about a component you know so well, are fond of. I am sure by now you know that caffeine is soluble in water to a certain extent. You should know the other aspects and limitations as well.

Maybe, this article might just help you make a better-iced coffee next time. Wishing you a lovely day ahead!

Happy learning!!

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